Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summertime...and its HOT!

Hey everyone! I promise some pictures will be up soon, you see, we just had to move to the "boonies" and we can't get DSL or wireless out at the cabin, so we are having to adjust to that right now and see if there is a satellite service that we can get internet through. Until then, I will be able to update from the work computer, but not pictures. So, here we set. Yes, I said cabin. Jason, Crawford and I had to move out of our house and now we are renting a cabin from some of the refuge voluteers while we look for a house to buy. We have began that search also, so please keep us in your prayers that we can find "our home" soon. That brings me to the teaching certification. I am taking my practice TeXes on the 8th, and then I can take the real deal and start applying for jobs during prime time hiring time. So, again, please keep us in your prayers. Crawford is enjoying the summer time, even though it is too hot for him to play outside until the night. This cabin has a huge porch for him to ride his toys on. He also has been enjoying getting into his swimming pool that is by Suzee's kennel so he can splash her. He really is having fun with it all. Jason is back to the grinding stone hard at work already and getting ready for the official opening of his refuge he works at. It will officially be opened on the 26th of September for the public. http://www.usfws.gov/ if you want to find the link to the refuge. I will be putting some pictures up of our trip to Jekyll Island in Georgia soon and also some pictures of Crawford at Grandmas swimming pool. Hope you are all doing great and I promise many more pictures and stories to come as soon as I can get back in the "real world" of electronics.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jason's Graduation @ FLETC

Well, if you look at Crawford or me this week, you are going to see a smile on both of our faces because we are complete again. Jason is home. These pictures are from his graduation of FLETC or Federal Law Enforcement Training, which means, I am the wife of one of your newest Federal Agents that trained with the Department of Homeland Security. Kind of crazy, huh! I am so proud of him and so is Crawford. He likes daddy's shiny new badge. Graduation was really neat once we got through the check points where they could not find Mammy Jo's name and we were told Jason could come "claim" her later. I was almost in freak out mode, but thankfully we found her name and the nice lady gave her a pass to get in with us to the graduation. It was very surreal when driving into the place to see the gates and double fences into it. The sign at the front said "where we train those that protect your homeland". I guess I had put in the back of my mind what this means for our family. The graduation ceremony started with the candidates getting their last uniform inspection which Liz and I went to take pictures of in the 103 degree heat. I felt sorry for them standing in the blistering sun in long sleeved uniforms perfectly still. It seemed to us that it was forever, so I can only imagine what they were thinking standing out there. Jason's mom (Liz) flew in to Jacksonville, Fl and brought Aunt Vickie with her to graduation and then there was me, Crawford, Mammy Jo, my mom and daddy. It was a great turnout since we had a 17 hour drive to get there. But that is another story to come under a different title. :) It was a very interesting graduation, short and to the point so that we could get our guys back and spend some quality family time with them.