Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's a......BOY!!!!!!!

So, with all of our crazy traveling and our back to school week last week, I forgot to share on here what baby Roesner number 2 is going to be. IT IS A BOY!!!! (Pics to come when I get them uploaded to a disc!!) We are so excited and so is Cman. He really thinks its going to be fun sharing his toys. We will see!!!
Baby Roesner's name will be: Walter "Cash" Roesner. (He will go by Cash!!) We are so excited to be welcoming him in a little less than four months. Look for more pics coming soon!!!

Ketchikan, AK August 2011

The view from the room we got to stay in. A very lucky little girl gets to wake up to this view every day.
Jason and I in front of the passageway through Ketchikan, AK.

My handsome hubby in his wedding attire. No, he didnt get to keep the hat on, but I liked it.

In front of the famous Ketchikan sign.

The GORGEOUS sunset we got to view. So pretty!!! God is amazing.

A couple of weeks ago, we got to attend a wedding and have a weeks vacation in Ketchikan, AK. LUCKY US!!! It was so beautiful and cool there. I missed my little man, but he had fun with Lolly and Grumps while we were there. Jason's good friend from college lives in Ketchikan and was getting married and Jason was the best man. We were honored to get to go and stay with them for a week. I have tons of pictures and only uploaded a few on here for now until I can edit the others to show the beauty of Ketchikan. Jason got to go crabbing one afternoon and that night, we had the same fresh crab he pulled out of the ocean that afternoon. Wahoo. We got to eat lots of seafood, well Jason did, and I ate what I am allowed to eat being pregnant. The wedding was gorgeous and the reception a blast. We had tons of fun and can't wait to go back. I will be adding more pictures of it soon.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Busy, Busy

Yes, I know the two of you guys that actually look at this thing are wondering when those awesome Alaska pictures, rodeo pictures and pictures of me and the growing baby will be up. I promise...soon. I can't seem to locate the picture card to the camera, and as soon as I do, it will be on here!!! See ya soon with lots of pictures.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

17 Weeks

This week marks week 17, man time is flying by with this one. We went to the doctor Monday and everything looked good. (Good enough for me to get to go to Alaska!!! YAY!!!) The baby is a wiggly little turkey who would show nothing but its hiney. So, we try again for the big reveal on the 17th. Next week, we leave for Alaska for a week, which is exciting but sad also for me. Cman is staying with my parents and I have NEVER been away from him. YIKES. Hope Asher is ready to play alot so that Cman is not to worried about mama being gone. He also got signed up for soccer this week. Yes, I will officially be a soccer mom. There is a tball league for the fall that we considered signing him up for, but we were afraid he would never play another sport again once he starts baseball.

17 Week Highlights:

Baby Size: Onion

Mama's size: -3 lbs. (all that sweating I did in College Station!!)

Baby Gender: Still unknown, gotta cute rump though. :)

Mama's Cravings: Coke...of course it is a limited intake, I promise

There probably wont be an update until two weeks since we will be in Alaska next week. YAY for cooler weather for the pregnant chick.

Monday, August 1, 2011

16 Weeks

Yes, I am a week late, but we were partying in College Station with Jason at Fire Training School. He took an emergency care attendant class and loved every moment of it, (well, except for the tests!!). He passed it and will take the national boards later this month.

Week 16 Pregnancy Highlights:

Size of baby: Avacado (4.6 in)

Weight of baby: 3.5 oz

Big Developments: I can feel little flutters in my tummy. (mostly at night...uh oh!!)

Cravings: Shaved Ice Sno Cones. YUMMY!!!!