Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Week 37...come on Christmas!!

Yep, there is a baby in there. A very sweet bundle of boy that I can't wait to meet! We saw Dr. Paul on Monday and he is sure that Cash won't be here before Christmas. DARN! But, we have a set surgery date at the hospital of January 4th, 2012 at 7:30 am. (Dr. Paul says he will be out and in my arms by 7:15 am). So, looks like we are going to have a New Year's baby. Woohoo! Jason and Cman are both excited as well. C keeps asking when he gets to go pick up Cash. He wants him for Christmas. (He thinks!!) But, we are going to enjoy our last three weeks with Crawford before Cash gets here to make us a family of four. Hope you are all having a wonderful week!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 35....almost there...ahhhhhh!!!

This is one tired kid after a long two days camping during Thanksgiving break.

The weeks have flown by. Can you believe in less than four more weeks, our little bundle of boy Walter "Cash" Roesner will be here? I can't. And, the list of course goes on and on and on and on of things that I have to get done. First and foremost....Christmas shopping. AAGGGHHH!!! Week 35 entails Jason being in Austin for yet another training...yay Fish and Wildlife, way to plan a training before Christmas..., christmas carols at the hospital for school, practice for the big Christmas program, and loads of laundry and housework. Woo, made myself tired just typing that. Along with week 35 comes almost Christmas break...yay...but, week 36...another stressor. Jason and the Cman will both be gone for a wedding in Houston. So, if you are reading this and you check it often....please be on standby, because if I go into labor...I will be calling YOU!!! Health wise, I am doing great and so is Mr. Cash. He weighs about 4 lbs, and is about 19 inches long with huge feet. Thank God for C-Sections. The scheduled date at this moment is Jan. 4th, 2012, but we will let God and Cash decide if it is going to be another day. We had a great Thanksgiving (pics to come as soon as I get them loaded), even though Jason was in OK working a deer hunt. Cman got to camp for two days with Lolly and Grumps and I got to rest some. (ha ha). He was so tired when we left the lake, he was asleep before we hit the big road. All in all, everything is going great and we will keep you updated on the status of the new little one.