Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, March 30, 2009

On the Road Again...

Hello again! Well, our lives have officially became the Willie Nelson song "On the Road Again." Poor little Cman knows nothing but riding. But, thank goodness, he is a trooper. We have had a busy couple of weeks. Two weekends ago, Grammy and Poppy (Liz and Walter) came to spend the weekend with us. Crawford got to got to the park two times and slide down the big slide with Poppy and Grammy pushed him in the swings. We set up his new basketball goal he got for his birthday from his daddy and mommy, and he played that all weekend long also. We took Grammy and Poppy to one of our favorite restraunts Big Pines Lodge on Caddo Lake. They have the best catfish and hushpuppies ever. After a big weekend with Grammy and Poppy, it was time to plan for our trip to see Jason in Pensacola Beach, FL. We left Friday in pretty decent weather. Grammy, Crawford and I were ready for the trip ahead. When we got to Hattiesburg, Miss. it started a torrential down pour. It was raining so hard, we could not see more than a couple of feet in front of us. When we finally got to Florida, Jason was already there, waiting in the parking garage. Crawford was so excited to see him (well, after he realized he wasn't dreaming). He went to his daddy and did not let go of him for the rest of the weekend. Saturday morning started off with nasty, terrible weather. Then we went to eat at Flounder's a great restraunt. The rain cleared up and the sun came out. So, we decided to put on our swimsuits and head to the beach. After all, we were in Florida. The water was still chilly, but we had a great time making sand castles and playing in the water. Grammy made her famous drip castles and Jason and Crawford game me a pedicure a la beach sand. It was a great day. We ended it by heading to Landry's and then shopping. Sunday morning we all headed out (one of the toughest days of my life!) Then the long trip back, where we only got lost once. (Who knew that frontage roads were also service roads...not me!) When we got back on track, we laid our ears back and were home bound. All in all, it was a great weekend.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Rough Night...literally

So, being the great mom that I think I am, I decided to take Crawford and Suzee (our 70 pound lab) to walk at the refuge. Mrs. Sherry met me at the gate (I'm a goober and forgot the keys) with their cholcolate (and I mean choc-o-lot!) lab (he is huge, but very sweet!!). So off we went with the dogs and Crawford in tow. When we got about half way around the parade grounds, Suzee decided to chase a car that was carrying small dogs, and Hadji (the big lab) was playing in the water. Mrs. Sherry picked Crawford up because he was whining and realized he had a dirty diaper. Well, we thought we would be smart and just take the diaper off and let him walk naked bottomed for the rest of the way, after all, it was not very far. So, off we went, the two dogs, Sherry, me and the now naked Crawford, walking down the street. Then we had to get the dogs loaded in the explorer, one would jump in, one would jump out. I think this took us thirty minutes all by itself. If anyone was watching me and Sherry, they were laughing till there sides hurt, because I am sure we looked like a three ring circus trying to wrangle the dogs and the naked man. (He had his shirt and hat and cars shoes on!) When we finally got the dogs home an up, Crawford was ready for his bath. He got these really cool soaps for his birthday where you can write on your body and they come out liquid green and blue. Well, he played with those and now his bathtub is green. After all the bathtime fun I put him in his diaper and went to rock him for bed. This is when the blood curling scream came. I had my hand on his leg and looked down at him, his right leg, from the fold to his knee on the inside was raw. I guess our bright idea to let him walk naked was not good. He isnt really chubby legged, so I never thought it would rub like that. So, all night long, if he would touch his leg on the blanket or against his other leg or anything, he would scream. This morning when I was getting him ready for daycare, he screamed when I tried to put jeans on him. So, needless to say, my child is walking like a bow-legged cowboy in his shorts this morning. To all of you that think its cute when your child is naked, make sure their legs do not rub together.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Week Gone By...

Hey again! I was told I needed to write at least once a week, so here it is. It has been a busy one. Crawford has had a busy one. I am telling you I had no idea one child could be so rotten. Well, I guess maybe I could...hee hee. Crawford had another birthday party this past Sunday. What a whirlwind it has been. It was fun. We were suppose to have it at the park in Van, however with the monsoon that came last week, we changed it to the "gameroom." He had many family members there, and of course, thank you all. If I was to name you guys, this blog would be 30 pages long. I must say a special thanks to Ryan and Ridge for helping dad put together Crawford's new tractor. He loves it, and it is still together in one piece, just ask mom how much weight the trailer can handle. (That is another story in itself, hilarious as it may be!) We have been rushing home every day to play on it when we got home. Crawford is at this moment, partaking in his good bag Mrs. Sherry gave him for St. Patrick's Day. He is wearing his big boy "Cars" underwear over his diaper and was eating whoppers until I made him stop. As far as Mr. Roesner goes, he is doing good from what I can tell. He said he feels like he is in the core at A&M again, because he has uniform inspections and has to polish his boots and stuff like that. We are rallying together and me and Crawford are headed to Mobile, AL to see him next weekend one way or the other. If anyone wants to join, let me know. I am so excited that Crawford and I are going to get to see him! I will keep you all updated on that also. Oh, and if any of you are wondering, you can sign on to this so that when I put new posts up, you get an email. Love to you all!

Friday, March 13, 2009

One Month Down

Well, It has been officially one month since Jason left for FLETC. For those of you that are not familiar with him leaving, that is his Federal Law Enforcement Training. I know now that I took alot he does for granted. I have not been on time to work since he left. Thank goodness for a great, understanding boss. I realize now that getting Crawford ready in the mornings is a feat in itself and I need to start about 30 minutes earlier than I did when Jason was here. It is crazy how Crawford tells me every morning no, he does not want to get up and get dressed. He also tells me "no daddy, no go." He is protesting daycare at the age of two. Oh yes, and he turned two this week. Wow. He got to talk to his daddy on the phone, which was nice, but now we are looking into trying to get a webcam for our computers so we can skype. I know that it would be nice to see him, even if only for a second for Crawford and me to say goodnight. He will kiss the phone and tell his daddy night night, but it is not the same as seeing him. So, please keep us in your prayers. Cell phones are wonderful things because I can take pictures and send them to Jason. He is getting almost one a day if I can get Crawford to act right for them. His latest thing is wanting to say cheese with a popeye grin (one eye open). Jason took Crawford's Lightning McQueen with him and is sending us pictures of him in different places. Last week, we got one of Lightning on the boat in the ocean where Jason was deep sea fishing. (Rough training huh.) He was eating some shark that he caught. We are trying to see him in about two weeks if we can all make it. He has big tests coming up and we have a birthday party next weekend and a visit from Grammy and Poppy next weekend. That should get his mind off missing daddy a little bit. Keep reading, I will keep everyone updated as much as I can.