Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tball is here...

When I found out I was having a boy (when I was pregnant with Crawford), the very first thing that crossed my mind was...yay, I get to be a tball mom. If you know my family, you know why this excited me so much. I LOVE BASEBALL! Really, all sports, but this is the one I have been waiting for. And, thankfully, my sweet little man loves it as much as I do. It is alot of work, man...alot of work. We have practice and two games a week. But, it is definitely worth it to see the smile Crawford gets on his face getting ready for his game or practice. I love that he loves it so much. And, I dont mind giving up my Saturdays for the next two months at all.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daddy's Away

Well, it is that time of year again. The time when Jason packs up his guns and heads to New Mexico for his law enforcement refresher. This year, there was an up side. He was here for Craw's bday. Yay. But, there is also a downside. Daddy is gone for three weeks. BOO! And there are tball games to be played and a growing little man going from 2 mos to 3 mos while daddy is gone. BOO! He is headed from NM to AZ, then back to NM. I am not going to complain, because at least he has a job and its one he loves!! Last weekend, we went to see Lolly and Grumps and as you can see from the pics above, there is never a dull moment there. Crawford is sporting a sombrero that spends its time at my parents friends party barn/shop and Cash had to get on the Harley. :) He thought that was fun. We had fun and there will be many more pictures coming since Tball starts tonight. WOOHOO!!!