Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Dog Days of Summer

Well, I guess for most of you guys, the days of summer have came to an end. Even though it is still 90 plus degrees outside, you are all back to the swing of school and your kids to school and all of that. I was hoping I would be back there with all of you as far as being a teacher, but apparently, God didn't like me making my own plans, so I am still at the law office right now. I will be taking a substitute workshop in a couple of weeks and get going for substituting on a regular basis...hopefully. Jason leaves again on Wednesday for more training and will be gone through November. The good thing is, its the start of football season and we will get to hit the season opener in Van this Thursday night. It's the annual first game of the year versus Grand Saline. Go Vandals. Crawford is excited because he LOVES football. We spent this past weekend as we rarely do, just Jason, Crawford, Suzee and I. We played outside all weekend enjoying the beautiful weather God has granted us. Crawford and Suzee played chase, and she got a few "licks" in when he wasn't looking. It was nice to sit and listen to the birds chirp and the sounds of Crawford laughing as he slid down his slide and Suzee was at the bottom trying to climb up it the other way. Jason is getting ready to head out for training as I said before, so please pray for his safe travels to and from Oklahoma and wherever else he may be. This is a major goal of his life being crossed off of his list and we are all so proud. Crawford knows somethings up because I have been packing and washing all of daddy's uniforms. He is so smart. Ellie started first grade today, and I can only imagine how Mrs. Wiggins is going to have her hands full on that. I will be posting pics soon of Crawford and Suzee playing and Jason and Crawford riding his bike. We took the blocks off of the pedals this weekend and he's riding by himself now. WOW! Hope everyone is having a great first week back of reality. Good luck teachers and students!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Daddy's Back...Thank GOD!!!

Saturday morning, Jason got on the plane in D.C. and flew safely to DFW where he was to board a plane to Shreveport for us to pick him up there. Well...after delays, he finally boarded a "prop" plane that was full to capacity and was placed in the back of the plane. They boarded through the back of the plane, which is unusual, but that is how the plane was in the terminal. So, no big deal. Well, when during takeoff Jason noticed a loud "wooshing" sound, he got a little worried. He said he got extremely worried when he saw the stewards start to shake and get on the phone to the front. Well, long story short...THEY DID NOT SEAL THE HATCH RIGHT AND MY HUSBAND WAS IN THE BACK AND COULD HAVE BEEN SUCKED OUT AT ANY TIME!! He was sitting next to a very nice southern woman who used him to cry on and he said she was basically in his lap, and Jason, being the jokester he is, kept trying to crack her up. He said he did several "hail Mary's" and told the lady it would all be okay. They were trying to decide whether to turn the plane around or not, but since they were half way to Shreveport (its only a 45 minute flight) they decided to keep going. The landing was rather abrupt and straight down, and their ears went nuts, but they did land safely, unharmed. Thank you GOD!!! Jason was waiting with this story to tell us when we walked in to get him. Can you believe they did not even offer to give them free miles or anything. I am just thankful God looked after his sheep and got ours home safely to us. Thank you God, you are wonderful!!! And on an upside, Crawford was excited to see his daddy and is so happy he is home...(well, for a week anyway!!)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Missing Daddy

Most of the time, when Jason is gone, I can lie my way through it to Crawford and all is okay. Not this time. You see, we were not thinking when we decided to take him to the airport instead of him driving a work truck, so his truck is still parked at the house. So, when we get home everyday, he goes running to the door, thinking that daddy is in the house somewhere. The house we are living in right now is tiny, so by the time he gets into the living room, he realizes daddy is not there. He is running around with his hands in the air saying "where is my daddy. Truck is outside." We are dealing with a smart little man here and it is getting harder and harder to try to trick him. Please keep us in your prayers over the next couple of months as Jason will be leaving again on the 23rd for Oklahoma and won't be in often, if any. We are really excited about this new journey our lives are taking with him being a federal game warden, it is just hard to explain to a 2 1/2 year old where his daddy is. Pray for safe travels and a quick few months ahead.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Jman Gone....Again

Well, our lives have been hit, once again. We dropped Jason off at the airport in Shreveport Sunday morning for one more round of training. Will it ever stop??? Crawford did really well this time though. He had a distraction of some cars (thanks Mrs. Sherry) and Elmo in Grouchland was playing on the dvd player. So, it actually wasn't too bad. Well....until we got home. Crawford ran in and out of every room and on the front porch to find daddy because his truck was home. We told Crawford his daddy was at work, but he was really tired and did not fully understand. On top of that, he has a summer cold he can't seem to shake that is making his eyes swell shut and his nose run. So, its going to be a bad two weeks. Crawford woke up looking for Jason this morning and once again, I told him daddy was at work. He was okay with that. We will see how he does tonight. Please pray for us over the next couple of weeks so that we can be a whole family again when Jason gets back from training. Please say a prayer about the job hunt also. I am getting very anxious about not being able to find one in the near future. So, please....pray!!!