Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

House Signing/Independence Bowl

Crawford playing in his new room with his cowboy and indian set...notice no furniture or anything, just playing because he canwe had awesome seats, so awesome, Jason was on TV

The Fighting Texas Aggie Band...they are the best!

Jason, Me and Cman at the Independence Bowl

In front of our new house

Okay, so after a jam packed Christmas marathon, that is still not over, we got to sign on our house. Saturday night, I did the unthinkable (well, to me) and left Crawford for the first time ever with someone overnight. He stayed with my mom at her house and cousin Asher got to come over. I think it bothered me more than anyone. Mom was a little tired the next day, but other than that...it was good. Mom came up Sunday and we got busy on finishing packing old house for new house. Then, we watched the Cowboys game. Monday morning, we were up bright and early to head to sign on our new house. After an hour and a half of signing Kara JoAnn Roesner, I was glad to be done and had a new look on what we name our next child. (A very short name because when Cman buys his first house, he will not like us that day!) We then celebrated with lunch and headed to the next stop, our Christmas present (and mom's) to the Independence Bowl in Shreveport. It was really chilly, but loads of fun. Yes, even though the Ags lost, Jason was seen on TV! So, it was fun. We then left the game and spent the night on air mattresses in our new house. Mom helped us unload yesterday before heading to see daddy in Coushetta, LA and Jason, Crawford and I have been busy unloading and reloading everything else. So, if you need us....you know where to find us. Our new house! 909 Wildwood Terrace, Marshall, TX 75672....oh, and for those of you that expected Christmas cards, you will be receiving "we have moved" cards. Here are some pics of the Bowl game and the work in progress of moving into our new house.

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