Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Friday, July 8, 2011

13 weeks

This week takes us into the second trimester. WOOHOO!!!!!! I am feeling much better, a little more energetic, craving fruits like crazy and definitely showing. I think baby Roesner number 2 is going to be a big one. They keep telling me it's because I had a c-section and this is the second one, but I think it's lots of baby. We had a Dr's appointment this week and could not find anyone to keep Crawford, so he got to go with us. Thankfully, Dr. Paul is all about family and didn't mind a bit that Crawford was with us. Crawford was really excited to hear the heartbeat of his baby whatever. He said it sounded like a puppy. Dr. Paul had to keep chasing the baby around because it kept moving, but he got a great, clear heartbeat. We will find out in August what gender this baby is.

Some highlights for week 13:
Baby's size: Peach (2.9 in)
Baby's weight: .81 oz
Big Development This Week: Motor skills, baby is able to move and flex the arms and legs. (Can't feel it yet!)

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