Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday's with Crawford #4

The boys on the tredmill at Lolly and Grump's houseBack up the hill we go! Asher, Crawford and Lolly

Crawford on the swingset at Lolly and Grump's house

Jason and his new grill/smoker

Crawford playing outside in the gorgeous sunshine at Lolly and GrumpsAsher and Crawford feeding the fish in Lolly and Grumps pond

Asher and Crawford playing crash with the tractors

Crawford playing baseball in the front yard on a pretty day

Let's go ride a bike...it's sunny outside and warm!!

This Tuesday, Crawford, Mommy and Daddy are very tired. We have been so busy, it seems like we are passing each other in the night. But, not before some much needed family and sunshine time together this past weekend. Friday afternoon, it was cold and rainy, so we played in the house. Saturday, Jason had to work, so Crawford and I headed to Van for some playtime with Asher and some Vandal Baseball. It was nice being able to visit with Holly, Ellie, Asher and Brooks...and Grumps was actually in town also. Sunday morning was great, we went to church with mom and dad and listened to Grumps play in the praise band. Then we headed back here to play with Daddy and Suzee in the sunshine. We are almost completely settled in the house. We are having so much fun getting different things together in different rooms, piece by piece. Now we have Crawford's room almost complete, just missing pillows for his bed (I haven't decided what color for sure) and we still have to get out of the other storage room in Van. I can't even begin to remember what it has in it except the guest bedroom furniture suit. We have begin hanging pictures on the walls, so it is definitely feeling like home now. Crawford's turning three next week and Jason will be leaving for New Mexico again for more training, so it's going to be another busy week. Here are some pictures from the past week. Enjoy!

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