Our Little Family

Our Little Family

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tuesday's with Crawford #5

Birthday boy before Daycare...
The picture is dark, the restraunt is dark...but this is him with one of his cakes

Just for you Mrs. Sherry!!! Yes, it is Thursday and I missed a posting of Tuesday's with Crawford. So, I am making up for it now. Yesterday was Crawford's third birthday. I started the day crying like a baby because number 1: he is three, number 2: his daddy is out of town and would not be able to celebrate and number 3: he is growing up way to fast. I had no idea that time would go so fast when I found out in July of 2006 that I was pregnant. (Thanks Josh and Misty for your wedding...found out shortly there after!!) Yesterday, Crawford got to take cupcakes to his daycare class. He was so excited, we stayed up late Tuesday night making goodie bags for his 8 little classmates. Silly me, was feeling sorry for the poor kid since his daddy is out of town...what was I thinking?!? This child had three phone calls before 9 am to our house phone with birthday messages and tons of 'Happy Birthday's' on mommy's facebook page. (Thanks again everyone!) Then, last night was dinner with our adopted family...Mr. Mark, Mrs. Sherry, Uncle John, Mrs. Kay, Caleb and Josh. These people are our adopted family that have taken Jason, Crawford and I in over and over and over again. We love you guys!!! Crawford thinks he is in hog heaven when he is with Caleb and Josh, and I think they are pretty fond of him also. We went to Cafe Italia to eat because Cman wanted spaghetti. And boy did he eat some spaghetti. When we finished eating, he got to talk to Grammy, Poppy, Uncle Daniel, Aunt Holly, Uncle JJ, Ellie, and Asher and also Lolly and Grumps. He really had a great day. He rounded it out with the 7th phone call for the day from his daddy :) and all was good. Thank you all for the wishes and helping us make it special. He still has his big baseball party next weekend so there will be lots more fun to have. I will be posting pictures as soon as I get them loaded.

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